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Urban and Visual Narratives of Art, ilustration, NFTS and Photography for Sale.

Nombre del autor:andres 2

Exhibition during the arrival of the BAP Unión Ship from Peru in Malaga

  Thanks to the Antonio Montes Cultural Association of Malaga Spain for allowing me to be part of the exhibition during the arrival of the BAP Unión Ship from Peru in Malaga with the Almachar City Council. At the event were: – The councilor for festivals and tourism, Mario Torres. – Deputy Mayor and Councilor …

Exhibition during the arrival of the BAP Unión Ship from Peru in Malaga Leer más »

The Red Puppet in the Second Tragaluz ilustration salon

The Red Puppet was selected to participate and exhibit in the Second Tragaluz Illustration Salon in the city of Medellín during the second week of August 2023.  The Red Puppet was present with his illustration The neighborhood, a visual representation of a typical scene that occurs in the city of Bogota, when walking near a …

The Red Puppet in the Second Tragaluz ilustration salon Leer más »

the red puppet- expo chromaverse 6

The Red Puppet was invited to Expo-ChromaVerse Nightlife 2023

On October 19 in the city of Bogota, the Expocromaverse Nightlife 2023 exhibition was held at the Rippio theater.A meeting of visual artists with their digital works as NFTs and physical versions. Each artist spoke about their work and their creative process, live music, live tattoo, a sample of conceptual fabric. A night of art …

The Red Puppet was invited to Expo-ChromaVerse Nightlife 2023 Leer más »